Talk More to Argue Less
Does it seem like you are always arguing with your partner?
Does your spouse not listen to you?​
Do you have the same arguments over and over?
Are your needs not being met in the relationship?
Is the 'spark' missing from your marriage?
Do you feel like your partner just doesn't understand you?
If you answered 'YES' to any of these, then you could benefit from couples counseling.

I believe that everyone can benefit from counseling. We all have room for improvement. Whether you are seeking help with a relationship, feelings of anxiety, or just stressed out; my goal is to help you through this difficult time and leave you better than ever! I will teach you practical strategies that you can use throughout your life. Hopefully, I will do my job so well, that you will never need to see me again! However you may want to continue counseling for personal growth.​
I provide video telehealth services that allow you to attend counseling from the comfort of your home. While this format is not for everyone, I've found that it can be better than in office sessions for many people.